
HTML Formatting

Use 2 spaces for indentation in your file (not a tab character) > to make sure your formatting will look the same everiwhere
Remember about correct indentation between parent and child elements > Each level of nesting, including text, contained inside the element, requires 2-space offset. Also blank line shouldn't be between parent and child elements. GOOD example ```html

Awesome text

``` BAD example ```html

Awesome text

Add empty lines between multiline sibling blocks of HTML > To add some "air" and simplify reading. But don't add them between parent and child elements. GOOD Example ```html ``` BAD Example ```html ```
Keep your attributes correctly formatted > If the HTML-element has long attribute values or number of attributes is more than 2 - start each one, including the first, on the new line with 2-space indentation related to tag. Tag’s closing bracket should be on the same level as opening one. GOOD Example ```html ``` BAD Examples ```html ```
Lines of code have 80 chars max > It is just easier to read such lines

HTML Content

Use semantic tags where possible > Like `header`, `section`, `article`, `p`. It improves your page SEO and helps screen readers. `div` and `span` does not have any meaning
alt attribute should describe the image content GOOD example ```html Samsung Galaxy S22 2022 8/128GB Green ``` REALLY BAD example ```html image ``` STILL BAD example ```html phone ```
Class names represent the meaning of the content (not the styles or tag names) GOOD example ```html ``` BAD example ```html ```
Don't use spaces in `` tag's `href` property</summary> > Anchor links starts with the `#` symbol </details> ## CSS
Don't use * selector (it impacts performance) > Set styles only for elements that require them. > Zeroing out your margins, paddings or other styles with '*' is still inefficient for browser.
Don't use tag names for styling (except html and body) > Style all elements using `.class` and if needed with `:pseudo-class`, `pseudo-element` and `[attribute]` HTML Example ```html